
Who We Are:

Side of Culture is a news and information source about under-the-radar arts and cultural organizations in the United States. The purpose and mission of the website and newsletter is to share the positive impact local and regional cultural organizations have on their communities. 

These important places, including museums, historic houses, public gardens, theaters, libraries among others, are deeply involved in their communities providing a platform for talent, philanthropy, volunteer involvement, friendships and networking. Donors and doers, volunteers and visitors, curators and creators find and build safe centers for education, learning, cultural advancement, sharing and a nexus for the community. Like the delicious sides a meal, these often offer the most fulfilling, meaningful and memorable experiences that enrich our daily lives. 

The Bottom Line

According to the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) Study completed by Americans for the Arts, nonprofit arts and culture organizations and their audiences in the United States and Puerto Rico generated $151.7 billion in economic activity in 2022:  A total of $73.3 billion in spending by the organizations leveraged an additional $78.4 billion in event-related spending by their audiences. The impact of this economic activity supported 2.6 million jobs, generated $29.1 billion in tax revenue, and provided $101 billion in personal income to residents. 

Thank you for reading and visiting. Please do sign up for our newsletter and become part of our community.  

Victoria Larson

April 2024